New Patient Forms
Save time and fill out your forms at home.
Click the name of the form to download.
New Patient Details
The information will be sent directly to our office, speeding up your office visit and allowing us to better serve your healthcare needs.
Patient Consent
Initial and sign to indicate you consent to be a patient and receive treatment from our doctors and staff.
Billing Policy
Initial and sign to indicate you acknowledge and agree to our office’s financial and billing policies.
Patient Consent (Media)
Initial and sign to indicate you consent to allow us to use your likeness in our marketing or media.
Cancellation Policy
Initial and sign to indicate you acknowledge and agree to our office’s cancellation policy.
Softwave Therapy
If you plan to utilize softwave therapy, you must first fill out this form.
Microcurrent Rental Agreement
If you plan to rent a Microcurrent device, you must first fill out this form.
Hyperbaric Consent
If you plan to utilize hyperbaric therapy, you must first fill out this form.
HIPAA Notice
HIPAA disclosure of privacy practices on how medical data is used and how to you may access.